The brief is to improve on earlier toy designs while preserving the same principles.
Fundamentally these can be reduced to two major outcomes – first to make toys as robust and colourful as possible, and second to make them the fastest freewheeling wooden toys in New Zealand. Resene paints are used for their sheer convenience in purchase, consistence of reproduction, simplicity in use and satisfaction of the environmentally-friendly clean-up.
A toymaker's first inclination is often to make anthropomorphic toys, that is, to personalise them or emulate little animals. Some very successful examples exist in model railway toys and others within that genre. There are downsides to this concept:
a) Some imported animated toys can be grotesque and off-putting to small children who, despite parental preferences, are the ultimate customer.
b) Marketing of vaguely similar products will only favour dominant toy sellers who will in all probability be large multinationals.
c) Children tend to rapidly outgrow anthropomorphic toys. Small boys very soon consider all toys with faces to be very childish indeed.
The paramount features of these wooden toys are they must:
a) Be suitable for children from 2-9.
b) Use a non-toxic water-based paint system.
c) Produce a very sturdy wooden body, mindful of weight.
d) Use strong irremovable recycled neoprene ball-bearing wheels.
e) Use steel axles with glued and recessed nuts, and recessed bolts heads.
f) Have no removable parts.
g) Have vinyl labels with the highest achievable standard of adhesive.
Colours used: Resene Amethyst Smoke, Resene Apache, Resene Beatnik, Resene Belladonna, Resene Black, Resene Broom, Resene Copper Fire, Resene Curious Blue, Resene Double Putty, Resene Espirit, Resene Fire, Resene Gold Dust, Resene Gorse, Resene Homegrown, Resene Keppel, Resene Limerick, Resene Moxie, Resene Port Gore, Resene Pukeko, Resene Pursuit, Resene Red Hot, Resene Sensual Red, Resene Studio, Resene Taffeta, Resene Time Warp, Resene Trinidad, Resene Wet N Wild, Resene White Thunder.
Products used: Resene Aquaclear, Resene Enamacryl Metallic, Resene Lumbersider, Resene Lustacryl, Resene Waterborne Smooth Surface Sealer, Resene Zylone Sheen.
Colour Selection and Design: G Tim Nicol
Project: Resene Total Colour Awards 2011
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