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Resene offers varying promotions, sales and competitions throughout the year so check back here regularly!

We also assist a wide variety of charities and events that you may be interested in helping us to help them! Sign up for our email newsletter to keep up to date with the latest Resene news, promos and events.

Hunger for Colour

Hunger for Colour is back!
Swap 2 cans of food for 1 FREE Resene testpot. Add a little more colour to your life and also help those in need...

Enter to win the Resene Weekend ransformation Awards

Weekend Transformation Awards
Calling all weekend painters, decorators and upcyclers! Enter to win $250 + a feature in Your Home and Garden...

RV decorating contest

Show us your reno and win!
MCD and Resene have teamed up to find New Zealand's coolest RV decorating projects. Enter to win...

Rural projects contest

Colour the country competition
Resene and Farmlands are on the hunt for the country's best rural Resene projects. Enter to win...

Colour Your Club

Colour Your Club
Help your sports, hobby or community club look smart and fresh all year round. Nominate your club...

Mural Masterpieces competition

Mural Masterpieces competition
Create a mural masterpiece and win. There is $7000 worth of prizes to be won...

Win with Habitat

Win with Habitat
View these great prizes and enter your details to be in to win...

Resene DIY card - New Zealand

Why pay full price?
The Resene DIY card entitles you to a range of discounts. Sign up today...


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Videos on how to paint and stain your house

Welcome to our World of Colour!™
Colours shown on this website are a representation only. Please refer to the actual paint or product sample. Resene colour charts, testpots and samples are available for ordering online.   See measurements/conversions for more details on how electronic colour values are achieved.

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