Welcome – Now that we have started settling into a 'new normal', the time is ripe to remedy the spaces around your home that are no longer resonating with your wants or needs.
If your blank walls are looking boring, things are feeling stale or your design no longer meets you and your family’s priorities, aligning your decorating with your personality, lifestyle and desires has never been more achievable. Not only is it easier to get the necessary supplies, furniture or décor to transform your home than it has been during the past few years, but there are more Resene products and colours than ever before to help bring your design ideas to life.
In this edition of habitat plus, we’ve curated a selection of the most popular paint and decorating ideas sorted by mood and theme to make it simple to find the perfect Resene paint colours, wood stains and wallpaper designs to suit your style and taste. From the latest trends to looks with timeless appeal, these handy ideas and colour combinations are endlessly adaptable to suit your weekend refresh, add a new feature or guide you as you embark on a total home makeover.
No matter where your inspiration takes you, we’d love to see what you create during your decorating journey. Please do share photos with us through email, Facebook or Instagram, as your creative idea might be just what someone else needs to get inspired to start their own decorating project.
Happy decorating!
The Resene and habitat teams
Look for this 'trend spotter' symbol to find out where you can learn more about another hot trend shown elsewhere in this book.
Life in our increasingly complex world has never felt busier, and it’s become essential to make space in our homes where we can wind down, take a load off and reduce stress... more
Interiors inspired by nature have always been popular. However, earthy looks have become even more desirable in recent years as a result of the pandemic... more
Incorporating visual and touchable texture is a sure-fire way to bring sensory interest to your space... more
From quiet luxury and timeless looks to gilded glamour and sumptuous moody colour schemes, lending your home the allure of upscale sophistication is hugely appealing.... more
Your interior décor doesn’t need to be staunch and serious. Engaging colours and patterns that evoke energy and freewheeling flair are fun to be around... more
In rebuttal to our increasingly digital worlds, a resurgence in artistic styles have been making a major impact on home decorating... more
Whether your home’s exterior is clad with weatherboard, timber, concrete, brick, plaster stucco, fibre-cement or corrugated stee, there is a Resene product that's designed to protect it... more
When bringing your favourite Resene paint colours into your home, don’t discount your fifth ‘wall’ – the floor... more
With the skyrocketing cost of real estate, having an extra space to dedicate to different activities or hobbies is often hard to come by... more
One of the most classic patterns around, striped paint finishes are an unquestionably eye-catching design choice... more
Ten stylists share their favourite Resene colours in the Resene The Range fashion collection... more
Textured walls and relaxing spaces finished in light and airy Resene paint and wood stain colours are among the biggest current trends. Walls painted in Resene Morning Haze and floor finished in Resene Colorwood Breathe Easy. Sofa from Mr Bigglesworthy, side table and stool from Bauhaus, rug and cushions from Baya, glassware and shoes from Father Rabbit.
Contributing stylists: Kate Alexander, Amber Armitage, Megan Harrison-Turner, Annick Larkin, Shani Luckman, Vanessa Nouwens, Melle Van Sambeek.
Contributing photographers: Bryce Carleton, Wendy Fenwick, Melanie Jenkins, Tess Kelly, Juliet Nicholas.
Selected images courtesy of Atlas Architects, David Wraight Cottages.
▸ View PDF ▸ Ebook: Single page | Double page published: 2024
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Printed copies of habitat highlights are available from late March 2024 at Resene ColorShops and resellers, while stocks last. You can view back issues of habitat magazine online.
If you have an idea, project or story that you think would suit habitat plus, we'd love to hear from you. Please drop us an email with your details and include photos if submitting a project.
habitat plus are not mailed directly. They are available free from Resene ColorShops and resellers while stocks last and available for viewing online.
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