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Decorating and colour trends 2017, habitat plus

Welcome – it’s time to make a colour connection.

What colours will be embraced in our homes during the next few years? What decorating directions will emerge? Trends don’t happen overnight. They gestate over many months, even years and are influenced by many things.

Colour experts predict our palettes years in advance but how we integrate those into our own homes is very individual.

We’re here to help. The Range fashion colours fandeck from Resene includes the latest paint colours. That doesn’t mean you have to completely reinvent your home every year or two. Think of the colours and trends as fresh inspiration that simply add to your options.

As paint technology has developed, we have been blessed with a growing rainbow of colour choice. Our eyes have learnt to appreciate increasingly subtle nuances. What once was off-white, may now be beige, greige, cream or chalk. Colours are deeper and complex, layered with subtle undertones.

As our knowledge of colour grows, so too does our confidence to use and experiment with the subtleties and power of colour.

Enjoy your colour journey and take your time to choose colours you love.

Happy decorating!
The Resene and habitat teams

Search habitat plus articles

Key colours and influences

Key colours and influences

Welcome to decorating and colour trends... more



Grey now happily co-mingles with beige and blackened whites... more



Creating sanctuary in an uncertain world... more



Texture and colour go hand in glove... more



Forget recycling, think rescuing, upcycling and sharing... more



Time to escape... outdoors. We’re taking our indoor spaces outdoors... more

And... time to escape indoors

And... time to escape indoors

Nature has always had a strong influence on choices, and never more so than now... more



Unexpected colour brightens your home. Want more intensity?... more



The world continues to shrink. Global influences converge... more



It’s all about you. Our homes need to speak of us... more



Wallpaper has come of age. No longer the preserve of Nana’s back bedroom, today’s wallpaper has a lusciousness, variety and depth not seen before... more



From white to black, neutrals underpin a scheme. As we welcome colour into our lives, neutrals are also never far from our creative thoughts... more

Cover look

Cover look

Stylists: Gem Adams, Amber Armitage, Greer Clayton, Megan Harrison-Turner, Claudia Kozub, Leigh Stockton, LeeAnn Yare.

Photographers: Wendy Fenwick, Melanie Jenkins, Frances Oliver.


Want to get your own free copy of future issues of habitat magazine?

Printed copies of habitat highlights are available from late March 2024 at Resene ColorShops and resellers, while stocks last. You can view back issues of habitat magazine online.

If you have an idea, project or story that you think would suit habitat plus, we'd love to hear from you. Please drop us an email with your details and include photos if submitting a project.

habitat plus are not mailed directly. They are available free from Resene ColorShops and resellers while stocks last and available for viewing online.


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Colours shown on this website are a representation only. Please refer to the actual paint or product sample. Resene colour charts, testpots and samples are available for ordering online.   See measurements/conversions for more details on how electronic colour values are achieved.

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