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DIY paint splat drawers

Habitat bright ideas with Fleur Thorpe – DIY projects

Perhaps you’ve got an old piece of furniture that has good bones but doesn’t suit your home. Or perhaps there’s something you have your eye on at the local op shop. Give it a whole new look with this fun-to-create paint splat finish.

How to create your own DIY paint splat drawers
The final product, striking in Resene Sea Fog and Resene Black. Wall in Resene Eighth Canterbury Clay, art in Resene Carrara and bowls in Resene Bokara Grey.

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How to create your own DIY paint splat drawers:

How to create your own DIY paint splat drawers - Step 1 Step 1
Find a set of drawers or furniture to work with. This is a wood veneer second-hand set of drawers. To start, Fleur added some legs to the base to bring the height of the drawers up to a better/more useable height.

How to create your own DIY paint splat drawers - Step 2 Step 2
Take out each drawer and remove the handles. Sand the front of the drawers and the body of the drawers with a medium grit sandpaper. Wipe away the dust with a cloth and then use a small microfibre roller to apply a coat of Resene Quick Dry. Once this is dry, give it a light sand with a fine grit sandpaper.

How to create your own DIY paint splat drawers -  Step 3 Step 3
Use painter masking tape to tape off one-third of the drawer body. Use a small microfibre roller to paint the remaining two-thirds of the drawer body in Resene Sea Fog and do the same to the drawer fronts that fit in that side. Apply two coats, allowing for the first coat to dry before applying the second coat. Remove the tape as soon as you have finished the second coat and while the paint is still wet. Leave the paint to cure overnight before starting on the last third.

How to create your own DIY paint splat drawers -  Step 4 Step 4
Again, use painter masking tape to tape off the remaining side and paint this in Resene Black. Apply two coats, allowing for the first coat to dry before applying the second coat. Remove the tape as soon as you have finished the second coat and while the paint is still wet.

How to create your own DIY paint splat drawers -  Step 5 Step 5
Put all the drawers in and lay the furniture down on its back and use a teaspoon to throw, dribble and splat Resene Black on to it. Make sure you have a dropcloth underneath! For the big black areas, Fleur dumped a whole teaspoon full of paint down fast so it splatted out. Making the long lines of paint was less predictable and Fleur did this by flicking the paint across the drawers. Making spots is easy – just let the paint fall from the spoon and move your arm around so that the spots fall in different places. Make sure you don’t have too much paint in your spoon while doing this.

How to create your own DIY paint splat drawers -  Step 6 Step 6
As soon as you have finished splatting the paint, carefully remove each drawer and wipe the paint from the edges of the drawers where it has dribbled down between the gaps. You might find a cloth and bowl of water helpful for doing this. Cleaning the paint off will help prevent the drawers from drying shut or forever sticking due to the build-up of paint. Leave the drawers to dry for several days, then reattach the handles.

Top tip:  For a more neutral effect use two different colour strengths of the same colour, such as a triple and half strength. Use the Resene Whites & Neutrals collection which has up to six strengths of the same colour to help choose your palette.

Styling and images by Fleur Thorpe. Mar 2022.

Habitat bright ideas
Need to add colour, pattern or a little creativity to your place? Check out these easy step by step DIY project ideas created in collaboration with Fleur Thorpe. We hope you enjoy making and painting these bright ideas and bringing colour to your home inside or out.

Fleur's projects | Habitat bright ideas


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