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Laundry love

Project ideas and inspiration from Good magazine

Banish plastic and add style with painted cane and wicker baskets.

Reduce plastic in your home and make it more planet-friendly with stylishly painted cane or wicker laundry baskets.

Look for sturdy second-hand baskets in op shops or online. These baskets are typically woven using fast-growing plants such as bamboo, rattan, seagrass and cane, making them naturally sustainable.

Paint stylish cane laundry baskets

Walls painted in Resene Quarter Truffle, cabinet Resene Charcoal. Resene Palazzo Bath Towels from the Resene Living range in Resene Pale Slate. Stainless steel clothes pegs from

Painting the baskets adds a protective coat that will make them stronger and more functional for use in the laundry. Paint also enables you to give several different baskets a cohesive look, and to match the colour scheme to your décor. Add a set of super practical, eco-friendly stainless steel clothes pegs to use with your new basket.

You will need

Step by step instructions


Basket before

Step one
Step 1

Step two
Step 2

Before: Choose a basic neutral paint colour, then add extra colour and whimsy using a simple two-tone pattern. I used Resene White Pointer with the grey Resene Chicago and the muted, smoky Resene Blue Bayoux.

Step 1: Ensure your basket is clean and free of dust. Use a marker pen to draw two slightly overlapping half circles around the base.

Step 2: Using the neutral shade, paint the top area of the basket area. Use a medium sized brush and apply the Resene paint from different angles using the tip to push the paint into the weave. Allow the baskets to dry overnight before applying the second coat.

Step 3
Step 3

Step 4
Step 4

Step 4
Step 4

Step 3: Using a fresh brush, apply the second paint colour to the base and one of the marked out half-circles. Use the damp cloth to wipe unwanted drips or dribbles. Allow to dry.

Step 4: Paint the second half-circle shape using the third paint colour. Recoat the shapes as necessary and tidy up any edges. Allow to fully dry before use.

Words and styling Sarah Heeringa. Photography Amanda Reelick. 2020.

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Good magazine projects
Wanting to tackle a project at your place but only have a weekend to spare? Get inspired with these projects from Good magazine. Reclaim and upcycle with paint.

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