b'In keeping with her desire to keep wall colours firmly Oh, we had lots of arguments negotiating the interior, in the background, the interior of her home is mainlybut were both happy with the results weve achieved. buttery white.Most of the furniture is old. The living room has two big, We used Resene Karen Walker Bleach White on theclassic, studded, brown leather Chesterfieldsvery dark exterior, which changes colour according to the time ofand chocolatey. Theyll just get better with age. We toss a day and the amount of light, she says. couple of rabbit fur cushions over them. AlthoughthecoupletookadvicefromfriendandThe coffee table, which is four cubes, is more modern. architect Nicholas Stevens when they bought the propertyMy big red velvet couch is a bit of a muttpart Victorian, eight years ago, Karen says that they have planned andwhich has been combined with another couch. Its all deep implemented any renovations themselves.red velvet and dark mahogany. For the lighting, we settled on egg and sphere lamps, sunken halogens and candles.Weve tried to create a comfy, homely feel in the house. Were very exposed to the elements and we experienceIn the master bedroom, a 150-skin possum rug is draped somepowerfulweatherconditions.Thatswhyitssoover the bed, teamed with embroidered and faggoted importantforustofeelcocoonedandprotectedVictorian linen. A red velvet chair found discarded on the inside, she says. Every aesthetic decision in the housefootpath in the early 60s enhances the overall look.has been set against the mood of the property. In a cityChoice pieces of New Zealand art are scattered throughout apartment, we might have gone for a cleaner look, butthe house: a Hotere etching, a John Reynolds and Deborah out in the Waitakeres, we have so much space around us,Smith triptych in the kitchen, paintings by John Reynolds, both inside and out, that we like to have lots of thingsand photographic prints by Derek Henderson, Richard around us. MalloyandMichaelParekowhai.Theirmostrecent How do two strong-minded designers, each with their ownpurchase was a large Maori wooden carving called Little aesthetic convictions, make joint decisions about whatFella by Lee Ralph.goes into their own interior? Karen gives a cheeky grin.Our home is a sanctuaryI love it!| 37'