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Paint your own produce bags

From Designer DIY and DIY hacks - ideas and inspiration

Personalise your reusable produce bags using actual produce as stamps!

This is a fast and fun project that the kids can help with too. Grab some fruit and vegetables, a few of your favourite Resene testpot colours and some cloth produce bags.

Paint a produce bag

Paint a produce bag

Hand stamp an produce bag

You will need

  • 1 x apple, 1 x orange, 2 x carrots and a sharp knife to cut them with
  • Testpot brushes
  • Small artist brushes for any detail you want to add


Learn how to paint your own produce bags:

Produce bags
Step 1

Test pots
Step 2

Chop fruit to stamp with
Step 3

Step 1:  Iron your produce bags to remove creases. Prepare them for painting by inserting a sheet of protective card or plastic so the paint doesn’t go through to the other side.

Step 2:  Choose your paint colours! Sarah chose Resene Home Run, Resene Smitten and Resene Big Bang. You might like to match the colours you choose with the fruits you stamp.

Step 3:  Cut your fruit and vegetables to make your stamps. Sarah cut an apple down the middle so that the stem could form part of the stamp shape. For the orange, make a nice broad cross-section for the best end result. Cut one carrot lengthways as a stamp and slice another to make circle stamps.

Paint an apple
Step 4

Paint an orange
Step 4 contd.

Stamp an orange
Step 4 contd.

Step 4:  Dry excess moisture from the cut fruit, apply your chosen paint colour using a testpot brush to keep things tidy and stamp onto the bags. Reapply paint as needed. You may even like to add two colours to one stamp! Add any extra detail with small artist brushes.

Step 5:  Wait for your paint to dry and remove the inserts.

Enjoy! You could also apply this method to a plain tea towel or muslin cloth to create framed kitchen art

Paint carrot details
Add detail

Stamp carrot circles
Stamp bag

Orange stamped bag
Completed bag


Project and photography by Sarah Herring. 2020

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