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How to get organised with jars

Interiors from Abode magazine

Up-cycler Alana Shinn shares a quick and easy organisational idea.

Make blackboard paint labels for your storage jars

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Tip: The world is your organisational oyster with this project, as it is simple and easy to apply across various spaces in the home. Be it containers for pens in the home office or boxes for toys in children’s bedrooms, the choice is yours.


Painted chalk labels are a cool way of organising all those glass jars you have in the kitchen, and they are so quick and easy to do, it’s ridiculous! They make a huge difference in kitchen organisation, especially if you’re someone like me who has no labels on any of my glass jars.

First things first, you need a bunch of jars. Secondhand stores are a great place to find cheap ones, but new ones are perfect too. Once your jars are clean and dry you are ready to go.

Place four strips of painters’ tape on the glass jar to form a rectangle. Inside the tape is where the blackboard paint will go, so the tape works as a guide to get straight lines and as a barrier to prevent the paint going anywhere else.

Using the pot scourer, rub over the glass rectangle. This works to scratch up the surface of the glass allowing the paint to adhere better. Once your surface is ready paint your rectangle with the blackboard paint. Let it dry before applying another coat, repeating until there is good paint coverage.

Once completely dry, carefully remove the painters’ tape one strip at a time. You may need to use a skewer or something similar to scratch off any over-run paint.

The final step is to get the chalk out and start labelling. Fill your jars and enjoy your new storage solution!

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