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Stencil stippling

Resene paint effects projects, project 11

Create a waste paper bin using a raised stencil design and a stipple paint finish.

Stencil a waste paper bin with stippled effect

Stencil and stipple a waste paper bin

You will need

Project tips

Before you start your project, try out different combinations and practice your application method on a piece of card until you are happy with the result. Resene FX Paint Effects Medium is available in 60ml testposts from your Resene ColorShop.

How to stencil and stipple

Step 1
Step 1

Step 2
Step 2

Step 3
Step 3

Step 1:  Sand bin lightly and dust off. If the bin is wood you may need to fill nail holes with filler before sanding. Place the stencil in position and secure with masking tape. Apply a coat of wood filler over the area of the stencil you wish to use and scrape off the excess. Remove the stencil and leave to dry.

Step 2:  Paint the bin inside and out with one or two coats of the base colour, Resene Fahrenheit.

Step 3:  Stipple on the topcoat with Resene Lusty. Pick up little paint on the tip of the brush and pounce onto the plate or foil a few times to distribute the paint through the brush. Hold the brush at right angles to the item you are painting and pounce lightly, distributing the paint over the surface. Leave a little of the base colour showing through This gives a lovely, rich, textured finish with no brushmarks.

Step 4
Step 4

Step 5
Step 5

Finished paper bin
Finished project

Step 4:  When dry, replace the stencil over motif and tape to hold in position. Replacing the stencil protects the surrounding areas while you paint the gold onto the raised area.

Step 5:  Paint bands of gold top and bottom. The wooden boxes will not have the raised bands that the papier mache ones usually have. Use masking tape to create the bands and paint between these.

Download this project as a PDF

Project by Janet Scard. Photography by Joseph Zou.

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