b'Resene ColorwoodWhitewashResene HalfSpanish WhiteResene Eighth StonewashedBackgroundinReseneCararra,plateinResene Crowdpleaser, vase in Resene Route 66 and cups (from left to right) in Resene Shabby Chic, Resene Porter and Resene Just Dance.Resene ReseneHalf Tea Merino ReseneResene Resene ArtisanNapa Half TruffleResene ReseneRebel Double Ash naturally elegantResene Resene DoubleThis tonal dining room is warm and fresh with classic overtones. ItsAbove:ReseneHalfSpanish Bismark Bison Hide a fantastic example of how carefully layering multiple graduatingWhitewallsaretheperfect Resene Resene Quarterneutral tones can really bring a room to life. The trick is to make surebackdroptoallowtheearthy Cararra Bison Hide tones of the accessories to come your layers all have a similar, warm base tone so they build on eachto the forefront. The sideboard Resene Resene other rather than fight for attention. Texture elements add furtherispaintedinReseneEighth Crowdpleaser Canterbury Claydepth to the space, which has been accomplished with the rug, driedStonewashed, the chairs are in Resene Resene ReseneNapa,theneo-classical Route 66 Just Dance foliage and relief wall hanging. The timber floor is finished in Reseneplant stand is in Resene Artisan Resene Resene Colorwood Whitewash to complement the natural look and feel ofand the plant pot is in Resene Porter Shabby Chic the rest of the space. Half Spanish White.|11'