b'plantperfectionWhether theyre inside or out, potted plants are an essential feature of your scheme.Indoor plants are one of the most on-trend dcor items. Choose a retro rubber plant, a vintage-style bromeliad, an architectural cordyline, or a tropical kentia palm. Indoor plants are so versatile, and theres one to t any theme. Indoor plants not only look good but can be used to lter light, purify the air and simply make us feel good. Choosing a plant is half the fun, then theres the pot to put it in. The huge range from Palmers will give you plenty of choice.Caring for house plants Plant it in the right pot. Choose one thats slightly bigger than the plastic pot it was sold in. A glazed or decorative plastic pot will retain moisture better than a terracotta pot. Also use a good quality potting mix from Palmers. An easy way to tell if your plant needs water is to poke your nger into the soilto the rst knuckle. If the soil feels damp, dont water. If its dry, water. Over-watering is a common cause of bad plant health as excess water sits in the soil and replaces the plants much-needed oxygen, and the roots will rot. Leaer plants will need more water than smaller-leafed plants or succulents. Know how much light your plant likes. Is it happy indirect sun, indirect sun or in low light? A plant that isnt getting enough light will be spindly and the lower leaves will turn yellow and drop off. An over-litplantwillhavedryand/orscorched leaves and will wilt easily.Most house plants need an occasional feed of slow-release fertiliser. Check the options available at Palmers.Give them an occasional dusting bywipingwithadampclothto maintaintheshinylookofthe leaves. Plants from left: Ficus Black Knight (rubber plant), Calathea rubarba, Dracaena Lemon Surprise, Guzmania species.'