b'ReseneAlabasterOpposite: A wall of the childrens playroom was first undercoated in Resene Magnetic Magic then finished in bright green Resene Wham, in a Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen. The wall can be decorated with magnets and the matt finish of the low sheen paint allows it to be used asa chalkboard. Above and left: In Her dramatic colour and design choices certainlycontrast to the rest of wow guests as they step through the front door. Athe house, the master signpost artwork points to capitals of the world. Abedroom and ensuite yellow Havelock North sign by Ian Blackwell makes aare a sophisticated mix handy place to stash car keys. And straight ahead, aof Resene Black and Resene Alabaster. lively shot of orange tiled splashback is visible above the kitchen bench, behind a dining table surroundedBelow: Gorgeously girly, by multi-coloured metal chairs.Phoebes room features Yes, Trudie loves colour but the interiors didntVilla Coppenrath 413137 wallpaper start out that way. When the family first moved in, allfrom Resene, and pink of the walls and trims were in white Resene Alabaster.Resene Princess walls. Once all the furniture was in place, the home became more lively, but as Trudie says, something was clearlyResene missing. So, she got busy with the paint pots. PrincessFirst, Trudie painted a wall in the living room to matchtheskybluearmchairandottoman,using Resene Endorphin. After a month of getting used to the colour, she painted the wall opposite in hot pink Resene Smitten. It echoes a grandfather clock wall sticker standing tall on another living room wall. Trudie was smitten from the start. Mike wasnt so sure. Now, he concedes that the pink is growing on himas are many other vibrant hues that have since joined the collection. Once Trudie started, there was nolimittohercolouradventures.Themoreshe experimented, the more her confidence grew. The more colours you have in a home, the more versatile it becomes. I found, you can always add another colour and it will work. If you stick to one colour, youre limiting yourself.There are so many colours around here that if you picked another one, it Resene Wham53'