b'did you know.When painting inside consider using Resene Zylone Sheen VOC Freeit is free of volatile organic compounds, which means better indoor air quality.AboveNorth-facing windows allow plenty of sun to heat the new tiledUsing eco-friendly design ideas in a new home is area of floor in the living room.Resene relatively easy but what about a renovation?PohutukawaResene S tatehousesarebuilttohonourcertainprinciplestogive Alabaster anyone, no matter what their income, a quality home in which Resene Quarterto live. Now one of those earlier homes, tucked into a quiet Lemon Grass corner of Auckland, has been renovated to honour a different set of principlesto be as energy efficient and therefore as eco-friendly as it can be. Early state houses were certainly solidly built, often of brick and native timbers, on generous sections. They may have been highly functional, but they sometimes werent that comfortable, lacking insulation and good sun orientation.Many older state houses have now passed into private ownership and have been renovated. When Eddie and Hilary van Uden planned 34'