b'feature taglineEco.Decoratorthe facts TobecomeamemberofEco.Decorator, painting contractors must undergo rigorous assessment of the programmes principles in practice, their sustainable work practices, waste-managementsystems,andtheir project plans and sign-off processes. Theprogrammehasbeenrunningsince late 2008. By choosing the services of an Eco.Decorator, you can be confident that the contractor is committed to sustainability in accordance with Resenes standards. Therearecurrentlyaround100certified Eco.Decorator members nationwide. Youll findthemlistedontheResenewebsite, www.resene.co.nz/ecodecorator.htm or ask your local Resene ColorShop.Left Eco.Decorators Vince and Victoria Troake see the scheme as a great complement to their business.Visit www.troake.co.nz.governmentdepartments,butalsowith homeownerswhoseeusintheReseneEco.Decorator list and hear about us through ReseneColorShops.Itsagoodsystem and Im looking forward to seeing how it progresses.JohnGerondissaysthattheresponsetotheEco.Decoratorprogrammefromboth homeowners and architectural professionals has been very positive. Its still a very new initiative,butwealreadyhavealotof support. wordsDeirdre ColemanpictureMark HeaslipResenePoetReseneGrapevineReseneLimerick'