b'feature gardenOpposite The Resene Guardsman Red front door is seen through the entrance arch and the vigorous old world rose called Parkdirektor Riggirs.Above Robyns gardenis a riot of colour, right down I f you are born under the star sign Taurus,Even so, the rst painting of the cottage wasto the purple foliage and red-fringed lettuces.chances are you are going to be a colourreasonably conservative as I felt conned by freak.Taureanshaveapredelictionthe highly pitched and quite dominant new towards colour. I was born a Taurus and Iblue-grey Colorsteel roof, so I used a puttyReseneGuardsman Redcant help myself. colour, Resene Thistle, on the weatherboardsReseneIt makes sense, therefore, that the rst timeand dark blue around the doors and trims.Bermuda GreyI saw the Victorian workers cottage whichDespite this tasteful beginning, I couldntReseneMadisonI was later to buy, I saw it in terms of whatresist breaking out somewhere, so the frontResenecould be done with it in colour. The practicaldoor was painted bright Resene GuardsmanBreathlessrepairs were the necessary and expensiveRed. It was this red which was the inspirationResenepart of the restoration, but also the tediousfor the garden. That, and a recent visit toThistlepart. Colour was the real deal! Monets garden at Giverny in France.85'