b'ThefarmersmarketwhereCatherineBellshopseachdecides what to prepare for dinner on the night, knowing Saturday morning is part of a revolution in Kiwi cuisinethat the fridge is full of good fresh food bought at thea revolution which she helped kick-start in 1984. weekend markets. And like any working mother, time always seems short. Catherineisbestknownashavingownedtheiconic Auckland cookware store Epicurean Workshop and as Hertwogrownchildren,Tom(21)andOlivia(17), the current owner of Dish magazine.certainlybene tfromhavingagourmandasa mother. While neither of them is directly following in Backintheearly80s,shehadjustreturnedfromCatherines foodie footsteps yet, they have developed a fabulous cuisine-packed year in Europe, where shedanappreciationofgoodfood.Likeanyfamily,they studiedatLeithsSchoolofFoodandWine,cookedeat their fair share of takeaways but they tend to be for families on Corfu and for a gentleman in Provence,good quality, like the Malaysian place in Khyber Pass or workedatup-marketkitchenwareshopDivertimentiJapanese, says Catherine. (one of the owners was an ex-pat Kiwi), done a courseAsaself-confessedFrancophile,hercookingoften on making fresh cheeses at Neals Yard Dairy, and workedhasFrenchleaningsbutsheenjoyscookingacross at country house parties. most cultures, from Asian to Mediterranean. In winter,AllofthisbutespeciallybuyingfreshingredientsCatherinerevelsinslowcooking,withhercasserole from growers at local marketssaw her return to Newdishesgettingagoodwork-out.Insummer,afamily favourite it to make pizza dough and cook the bases, Zealand bursting with enthusiasm. To a land containingperhaps with just some pesto or tomato paste, on the no mesclun, arborio rice, couscous or balsamic vinegar. barbecue.TheneveryonearoundthetablejustaddsTherst step was becoming co-owner of a Mt Eden deli,their own choice of fresh ingredients to the base. and importing the ingredients shed discovered. Trays ofHer cooking is very seasonal, and she loves cooking duck. mesclun (shed brought the seeds back with her) wereI always lament, though, that fresh duck here comes growing in the window, with leaves snipped to order. without the head and feet. Theres something about a Thosesimplebutfreshingredientsformthebasisofwhole bird that emphasises its farm origins. Catherineseverydaycooking.ShedoesntnecessarilyCatherine is thrilled with how our cuisine has matured in planahead(Imnormallynotthatorganised)butrecent years, but says we shouldnt become complacent. 86 |'