b'choosing and using a words: Catherine Smith pictures: Lucent*MediacolourconsultantWith thousands of shades to choose from in paintlet alone all the other materials that make up your houseyou can easily become paralysed by choice when it comes to picking the ideal scheme.Perhaps the safe palette youve seen in every showhome turns out to feel not me. Or perhaps you turn into a kid in a candy store and go wild with an allsorts assembly of colours, which then looks too disjointed. Whichever applies, help is at hand. Colour consultants can pin down your preferences for an overall result that suits your house, budget and lifestyle.Firstly, decide how much help you need. Some colour experts focus just on colour and paints, while others will work through a whole scheme, including fabrics and ooring, right down to the accessories on the shelf. Resene Some architects will also develop colour schemes for you (and yes, they will branch out beyond designerMiss Hussywhites), while suppliers may offer consultancy services too.116 |'