b'Resenen Neva LEl DIV KidsQuiz Cananswerquestions? youthese tIf you mix equal quantities of red paint andsARpAINTBRusHFA blue paint, what colour paint do you endTKu0TM0DJELMRup up with?R0LLERBEsANDING ;!If you were painting the living room wall, whatEHGyvERNHzR0LDs common piece of equipment might you climbAcNu0DvBIGucwET on to reach the higher parts of the \\\\1ll?KAMRpETENAvINRu a3Before starting to paint, it is a good idea tosTHEwDENysFBEcL _the paint thoroughly with a flat stick topAsTELsGIyELL0w make sure the paint isll mixed.wB0HNFT0THIzRAM weIIyou want to paint a large flat area, you mightsIwALLpApERGITy If use a_of a paintbrush to makecMJNAR0DBuQvc0G _ instead the job faster.RypERsTExTuREwL 5What can you buy in rolls and stick onto yourAB0LDLcGs0RHNT0 bedroom walls to get a great new colourfulpREpARATI0N0FGs effect without using paint?Ecx0BEpIKLDTINs SIf you want to try out a particular paint on your walls to see if the colour is right, you canfindwordsingrid: thesehiddenthe use a small _ pot first.DabShinyUndercoat 7What do we call the framework that paintersGlossStreakWallpaper sometimes put up against the outside of aPaintbrushTestpotWet house to make it easier to paint the high parts?PastelsTextureYellow 8You should always __paintbrushesPolyurethaneTins yourPreparationTools thoroughly when you have finished paintingRed otherwise they will become stiff and hard.Roller Sanding Scrape HESENE KERMIT Download me from www.resene.co.nz. Colourmein or use me as a stencil.'