b'Tips for doing up anold house Make sure you engage averygood builder - someone who comes highly recommended, with whom you get along and who listens to you.TI1at person \\\\~II usually come \\\\~th a preferred set of contractors. Do your homework - look at lots of magazines to get a feel for the style of furnishings and colour schemes you like. Start a folder of clippings of houses and rooms that appeal. Allow yourself enough time to order products. Often, good fittings can take weeks to be supplied. Be realistic about the budget - whatever you do is likely to cost twice as much as you think it will. Talk to other people who have recently renovated or restored old houses and begin to compile a list of recommended suppliers and tradespeople.Resenen Research the materials and colours used in period houses and visit someEaglelEl demolition suppliers.Kitchen bench/bar: Engage an architect or designer who has had experience restoringoldAmerican Maple from Kings Fourth Generation houses.HWoodworking Company Chairs: lndiceGet this exterior look Flowers: Vida Floreswith Resene Lumbersider satin acrylic, tinted to Resene Designer White and Resene Hi-Glo gloss acrylic, tintedResene to Waterloo. ResenenResenen ButterlElDesignerlEl White habitat21'