Selecting that perfect colour for your project

When you're in charge of selecting paint colours for a project, inspiration can strike when you least expect it. Perhaps you're admiring a stunning sunset and it suddenly hits you that a blazing orange is the best colour for a certain feature wall. Maybe you're admiring a friend's uniquely coloured top and wondering how you can match the shade to a paint for a fence or letter box.

Whatever the colour or the purpose, Resene can help.

Designers and decorators can easily and efficiently find the colour of their dreams by using the Resene ColourMatch app, free for download on both android systems and iPhones. The app works to identify colours in a photograph and match them with corresponding Resene colours in a flash – too easy!

All you need to do is use your smartphone to take a photo of the colour that's taken your fancy, and the app will bring up similar Resene shades found in the image. Not only that, but it can provide you with a whole set of complementary colours, building a palette unique to your picture.

Photos of forest foliage may generate a palette filled with leafy greens and woody browns, whereas beach scenes could evoke more toned-down sandy beiges and tranquil turquoise tones. The palette generator is particularly handy if you're wanting to use a theme throughout the house to provide cohesion. Plus if you stick to colours within the palette you're bound to be reminded of that stunning colour combination that captivated your attention originally.

If you'd rather go online to match up your colours, make use of Resene ColourMatch Online. You can either upload your own image to the site or enter the URL of one already existing online, then click the "match" button to find out the closest Resene colour and what colours would work well with it.

Next time you need inspiration start looking at the great outdoors or things you already own and love and you might just find the colour inspiration you need is sitting there waiting for you already.

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