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Mannequin clothes stand

Create a cool clothes stand with a mannequin torso and Resene metallic paint.

Resene art with Mark Rayner - Project 11

Difficulty level: Easy

You will need: Green towel or piece of fabric, plastic mannequin torso, paintbrush and small paint roller/tray, red glitter, Resene Enamacryl Metallic (now Resene FX Metallic) tinted to Resene Adrenalin Junkie, Resene Lumbersider tinted to Resene Old Brick, Resene Multishield+ (now Resene Concrete Clear) gloss, Resene Sandtex Mediterranean effect, Resene Waterborne Smooth Surface Sealer, sandpaper, small table.

To get the look: Mark painted the background woodwork with Resene Enamacryl tinted to Resene White Linen.

Other ideas: For a really sumptuous look try using Resene Enamacryl Metallic (now Resene FX Metallic) tinted to Resene Bullion.

Step 1
Step one
Lightly sand the mannequin to provide a ‘key’ to the surface – this will help the sealer to adhere.
Step 2
Step two
Apply one coat of Resene Waterborne Smooth Surface Sealer to the mannequin. Allow to dry.
Step 3
Step three
Using an old paintbrush and ‘stippling’ technique, apply one coat of Resene Sandtex Mediterranean effect to the mannequin. Allow to dry.
Step 4
Step four
Apply two coats of Resene Old Brick to the mannequin. Allow to dry.
Step 5
Step five
Using a small roller, apply two coats of Resene Adrenalin Junkie to the mannequin. Allow to dry.
Step 6
Step six
Mix two small pots of red glitter with some Resene Multishield+ (now Resene Concrete Clear) gloss and apply three coats to the mannequin, allowing two hours to dry between coats.
Step 7
Step seven
Cover the small table with the green towel or piece of fabric.
Step 8
Step eight
Once the mannequin is fully dried (preferably overnight) position on the plinth.

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